Access to Justice with Online Tribunal and Court

  • Resolve simple disputes online quickly and fairly 24/7
  • Plain language, convenient, and affordable
  • Designed to be inclusive: rich or poor, educated or not, simple processes that provide access to justice for all Ontarians
  • Human-centered design: simpler, clearer, and faster. Intuitive process with progress bar focused on early dispute resolution
  • Democratize justice and shift the controls to the user. Think Expedia and Amazon. Provide a great user experience for self-represented individuals
  • Process is the key to the access to justice crisis because process can either tear down barriers or build them up so high that only the wealthiest and most powerful in our society can scale them. Shannon Salter (2015)
  • Expand BC’s Civil Resolution Tribunal to Ontario. Systematically shift the simplest and most common cases and disputes from brick-and-mortar courthouses and tribunals to online. Attract the world's top talent by hosting "Access to Justice" Hackathons with a focus on "Do it Yourself" (DIY) step 1
  • Step 1. Explore your options. Answer questions and receive tailored legal information, forms, videos, and template letters to help you resolve your dispute - all in plain language. Free, unanimous, and 24/7 
  • Step 2. If you need to file a legal claim, for a low flat fee, a specialized case manager/mediator helps you reach an agreement using a secure and confidential negotiating platform. 
  • Step 3. No agreement by negotiation? A specialized judge makes a final binding decision within 60 days on average after receiving a claim or application
  • Agreements are turned into orders and can be enforced like a court order
  • Lower stress. Save time and money. For the simplest claims and disputes, you won’t need a lawyer or to attend court at a tribunal or courthouse
  • Real-time claims data shared via APIs to third parties to prevent claims and disputes and to continually improve dispute resolution processes – see Claimstat 2.0
  • Protect Ontarians and reduce court time and costs with software that ensures basic processes, rules, and laws are followed by police officers, assistant Crown Attorneys, and judges

Do you agree?

An Ontario Driven by Innovation

It is time to build a better future for Ontario – one where innovation is at its core. Focused on human centered design, disruptive innovations, and making Government as a Platform real to radically improve access, quality, and affordability of government services.



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