Education: Job-Ready Students and Entrepreneurs
- Industry-led curriculum for job-ready graduates
- Practical life skills: contracts, loans, leases, budgeting, taxes, investing, scams, managing risk, dealing with police, understanding your rights, claims, dispute resolution, effective communication and collaboration, empathy, and cooking healthy meals
- A coach for each student to help them get through tough times
- A career coach and 12 one-day internships to help students choose a career
- Industry speakers, micro-internships, and virtual reality to promote high-demand jobs
- K-12: leadership, building a small team, first 10 hires, entrepreneurship, exporting, market-creating innovations, intellectual property (IP) strategies, digital skills and APIs
- Ontario Business Centre: resources, seminars (Canadian Export Academy with Trade Accelerator Program), export experts and volunteers including new immigrants to help Ontario businesses be more successful trading around the world. See
- Modern workshops in high schools to promote careers in skilled trades
- Co-ops to promote industry-specific productivity investments in software, equipment, training, and IP strategies to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and wages
- Civic action with high-impact real-life projects: For example, to improve the affordability of housing and the commute, build a dashboard to ensure new housing (market-priced and subsidized) and public transportation (roads and rail) targets are met to welcome 300,000 immigrants each year. Identify ways to reduce the need and cost of public services
An Ontario Driven by Innovation
It is time to build a better future for Ontario – one where innovation is at its core. Focused on human centered design, disruptive innovations, and making Government as a Platform real to radically improve access, quality, and affordability of government services.
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