Entrepreneurial Innovation-Based Economy to Create Jobs
- Attract top talent with radically better public services, lower taxes, more affordable housing, and a faster commute
- 12 new subway lines across GTA
- High-speed internet across Ontario
- New international airport to support GTA’s rapid growth of 10 million new immigrants over next the 25 years. See Jewel Changi airport in Singapore
- New Toronto convention centre overlooking Lake Ontario
- Increase GTA hotel capacity
- Goal: 99% government services online: simpler, clearer, faster
- Reduce red tape and frustration by observing the user and eradicating friction and pain points. See GOV.UK Service Standard
- Visible Product Manager with blog for each public service for easier user feedback and continuous service improvement
- Online tribunal and court: quick, fair, and affordable dispute resolution
- Protect Ontarians by using claims data (shared with third parties via APIs) and analytics to prevent claims, disputes, harm, and injuries
- Co-ops to promote industry-specific productivity investments in software, equipment, training, and IP strategies to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and wages
- K-12: cultivate a pipeline of inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs
- K-12: teach entrepreneurship and lean methodologies (steveblank.com/slides/) to lower the risk of startups, run cheap and quick experiments and accelerate time to market. Teach market-creating innovations to create jobs; and Jobs to Be Done theory to understand what causes customers to buy goods and services, making innovation a reliable engine for growth
- K-12: teach intellectual property (IP) mapping and strategies to optimize research and development (R&D), bring ideas to market, and enter global markets. Courses may be optimized with Jim Balsillie, Kevin O’Leary, MIchelsonip.com, and Rivette and Kline, Rembrandts in the Attic (1999)
- K-12: Entrepreneurship + IP = job growth
- Fix skills mismatch: better collection of labour data to coordinate education with jobs
- Healthcare focused on keeping people healthy for higher workforce participation and productivity
An Ontario Driven by Innovation
It is time to build a better future for Ontario – one where innovation is at its core. Focused on human centered design, disruptive innovations, and making Government as a Platform real to radically improve access, quality, and affordability of government services.
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